Patagonia Phone Cloning Software
Patagonia software in mobile phone cloning What is cloning??? Cell phone cloning is a technique wherein secured data from one cell phone is transferred into another phone. The other cell phone becomes the exact replica of the original cell phone like a clone.
As a result, while calls can be made from and received by both phones, only the legitimate subscriber is billed as the service provider network does not have a way to differentiate between the legitimate phone and the “cloned” phone. The cloner can set the options to ring his phone when you make a call and you will have no idea that the cloner is listening from his own mobile.
He can read text message, phone book entries, look at pictures etc. Also he can dial phone numbers from their phone and a whole lot more.
But we have explained easiest to phone cloning. Softwares like Patagonia and many more. In case of CDMA Phone; In case of CDMA, phone cloning involves. Name of one such famous software used for cloning the CDMA phones. Of appropriate hardware (Digital Data Interface), software (Patagonia) and PC.
Though communication channels are equipped with security algorithms, yet cloners get away with the help of loop holes in systems. So when one gets huge bills, the chances are that the phone is being cloned. Millions of cell phones users, be it GSM or CDMA, run at risk of having their phones cloned. How it is done? Cloning is the process of taking the programmed information that is stored in a legitimate mobile phone and illegally programming the identical information into another mobile phone. The culprits clone and hack into your phone using software’s that are easily available, once the software is installed they just need the unique IMEI number of the phone and they can digitally imprint these numbers on any of the phone they want.
Once this is done they can send messages, make calls to anyone and the person whose phone has been cloned and hacked will be held responsible. FOR CDMA: – Cloning involved modifying or replacing the EPROM in the phone with a new chip which would allow you to configure an ESN (Electronic serial number) via software. You would also have to change the MIN (Mobile Identification Number). When you had successfully changed the ESN/MIN pair, your phone was an effective clone of the other phone. Cloning required access to ESN and MIN pairs. FOR GSM:- Cloning has been shown to be successful on code division multiple access (CDMA) but rare on the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), one of the more widely used mobile telephone communication systems. However, cloning GSM phones is achieved by cloning the SIM card contained within, not necessarily any of the phone’s internal data.
GSM phones do not have ESN or MIN, only an IMEI number. GSM SIM cards are actually copied by removing the SIM card and placing a device between the handset and the SIM card and allowing it to operate for a few days and extracting the KI, or secret code. Cloning has been successfully demonstrated under GSM, but the process is not easy and it currently remains in the realm of serious hobbyists and researchers.
Software’s available for Cloning FOR CDMA:- If PIN and ESN are known, a mobile phone can be cloned in seconds using some software’s like Patagonia which is used to clone CDMA phones. FOR GSM:- However, if the accused manages to also clone the IMEI number of the handset, for which software’s are available, there is no way he can be traced. BLUETOOTH HACK is the software available in the market which is used to hack/clone GSM phone. It is simple to use. Plug your phone into PC using the cable, the phone came or a PC Bluetooth adapter. How serious is the Cloning Fraud Problem? Each year, the mobile phone industry loses millions of dollars in revenue because of the criminal actions of persons who are able to reconfigure mobile phones so that their calls are billed to other phones owned by innocent third persons.
Many criminals use cloned cellular telephones for illegal activities, because their calls are not billed to them, and are therefore much more difficult to trace. This phenomenon is especially prevalent in drug crimes. Drug dealers need to be in constant contact with their sources of supply and their confederates on the streets.
Traffickers acquire cloned phones at a minimum cost, make dozens of calls, and then throw the phone away after as little as a days’ use. In the same way, criminals who pose a threat to our national security, such as terrorists, have been known to use cloned phones to thwart law enforcement efforts aimed at tracking their whereabouts. The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) estimates that financial losses due to cloning fraud are between $600 million and $900 million in the United States. Some subscribers of Reliance had to suffer because their phone was cloned. Mobile Cloning is in initial stages in India so preventive steps should be taken by the network provider and the Government.
How to checkout whether your cellphone is cloned or not? Unfortunately, there is no way the subscriber can detect cloning. Events like call dropping or anomalies in monthly bills can act as tickers. But some points mentioned below can help you. Frequent wrong number phone calls to your phone, or hang-ups. Difficulty in placing outgoing calls. Difficulty in retrieving voice mail messages.
Incoming calls constantly receiving busy signals or wrong numbers. Unusual calls appearing on your phone bills. Technical method to detect Cloned phones The mobile phone seems to be moving at impossible, or most unlikely speeds. For example, if a call is first made in Helsinki, and five minutes later, another call is made but this time in Tampere, there must be two phones with the same identity on the network. Reactions include shutting them all off so that the real customer will contact the operator because he lost the service he is paying for, or tearing down connections so that the clone users will switch to another clone but the real user will contact the operator. Preventive Measures to Protect your Mobile from Cloning The best way to prevent you simcard or mobile phone from being cloned is to use Authentication feature. Authentication is a mathematical process by which identical calculations are performed in both the network and the mobile phone.
These calculations use secret information (known as a “key”) pre-programmed into both the mobile phone and the network before service is activated. Cloners typically have no access to this secret information (i.e., the key), and therefore cannot obtain the same results to the calculations.
A legitimate mobile phone will produce the same calculated result as the network. The mobile phone’s result is sent to the network and compared with the network’s results. If they match, the phone is not a “clone.” IS AUTHENTICATION EFFECTIVE? Yes, for the most part. However, Authentication is the most robust and reliable method for preventing cloning fraud and it is the only industry “standard” method for eliminating cloning. The fact that it is standardized means that all mobile telecommunications networks using IS-41 can support Authentication. There is no need to add proprietary equipment, software, or communications protocols to the networks to prevent cloning fraud.
IS MY PHONE AUTHENTICATION CAPABLE? If the phone supports TDMA or CDMA digital radio, then yes. Otherwise, it depends on how old the phone is and the make and model. Almost all phones manufactured since the beginning of 1996 support the Authentication function. The best bet is to check with your service.
Real Life Cases Recently the Delhi (India) police arrested a person with 20 cell- phones, a laptop, a SIM scanner, and a writer. The accused was running an exchange illegally wherein he cloned CDMA based cell phones. He used software named Patagonia for the cloning and provided cheap international calls to Indian immigrants in West Asia.
HAT IS CELL PHONE CLONING? Cell phone cloning is copying the identity of one mobile telephone to another mobile telephone. Usually this is done for the purpose of making fraudulent telephone calls. The bills for the calls go to the legitimate subscriber. The cloner is also able to make effectively anonymous calls, which attracts another group of interested users. Cloning is the process of taking the programmed information that is stored in a legitimate mobile phone and illegally programming the identical information into another mobile phone. The result is that the 'cloned' phone can make and receive calls and the charges for those calls are billed to the legitimate subscriber.
The service provider network does not have a way to differentiate between the legitimate phone and the 'cloned' phone. WHEN DID CELL CLONING START? The early 1990s were boom times for eavesdroppers.
Any curious teenager with a £100 Tandy Scanner could listen in to nearly any analogue mobile phone call. As a result, Cabinet Ministers, company chiefs and celebrities routinely found their most intimate conversations published in the next day's tabloids Cell phone cloning started with Motorola 'bag' phones and reached its peak in the mid 90's with a commonly available modification for the Motorola 'brick' phones, such as the Classic, the Ultra Classic, and the Model 8000. GSM Global System for Mobile Communications. A digital cellular phone technology based on TDMA GSM phones use a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card that contains user account information. Any GSM phone becomes immediately programmed after plugging in the SIM card, thus allowing GSM phones to be easily rented or borrowed.Operators who provide GSM service are Airtel,Hutch etc. CDMA Code Division Multiple Access.
A method for transmitting simultaneous signals over a shared portion of the spectrum. There is no Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card unlike in GSM.Operators who provides CDMA service in India are Reliance and Tata Indicom. IS FIXED TELEPHONE NETWORK SAFER THAN MOBILE PHONE? The answer is yes. In spite of this, the security functions which prevent eavesdropping and Unauthorized uses are emphasized by the mobile phone companies.
The existing mobile communication networks are not safer than the fixed Telephone networks. They only offer protection against the new forms of abuse SECURITY FUNCTIONS OF THE GSM AND CDMA As background to a better understanding of the attacks on the GSM and CDMA network The following gives a brief introduction to the Security functions available in GSM. The following functions exist:. Access control by means of a personal smart card (called subscriber Identity module, SIM) and PIN (personal identification number),. Authentication of the users towards the network carrier and generation of A session key in order to prevent abuse. Encryption of communication on the radio interface, i.e.
Between mobile Station and base station,. Concealing the users' identity on the radio interface, i.e. A temporary valid Identity code (TMSI) is used for the identification of a mobile user instead Of the IMSI. HOW BIG OF A PROBLEM IS CLONING FRAUD? The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) estimates that financial losses in due to cloning fraud are between $600 million and $900 million in the United States.
Some subscribers of Reliance had to suffer because their phone was cloned. Mobile Cloning Is in initial stages in India so preventive steps should be taken by the network provider and the Government.
HOW IS CELL CLONING DONE? Cloning involved modifying or replacing the EPROM in the phone with a new chip which would allow you to configure an ESN (Electronic serial number) via software. You would also have to change the MIN (Mobile Identification Number). When you had successfully changed the ESN/MIN pair, your phone was an effective clone of the other phone.
Cloning required access to ESN and MIN pairs. ESN/MIN pairs were discovered in several ways: Sniffing the cellular Trashing cellular companies or cellular resellers Hacking cellular companies or cellular resellers Cloning still works under the AMPS/NAMPS system, but has fallen in popularity as older clone able phones are more difficult to find and newer phones have not been successfully reverse-engineered.
Cloning has been successfully demonstrated under GSM, but the process is not easy and it currently remains in the realm of serious hobbyists and researchers. ARE OUR CELL PHONES SECURED?
Too many users treat their mobile phones as gadgets rather than as business assets covered by corporate security policy. Did you realize there's a lucrative black market in stolen and 'cloned' Sim cards? This is possible because Sims are not network specific and, though tamper-proof, their security is flawed. In fact, a Sim can be cloned many times and the resulting cards used in numerous phones, each feeding illegally off the same bill.
But there are locking mechanisms on the cellular phones that require a PIN to access the phone. This would dissuade some attackers, foil others, but might not work against a well financed and equipped attacker. An 8-digit PIN requires approximately 50,000,000 guesses, but there may be ways for sophisticated attackers to bypass it. With the shift to GSM digital - which now covers almost the entire UK mobile sector - the phone companies assure us that the bad old days are over. Mobile phones, they say, are secure and privacy friendly.
This is not entirely true. While the amateur scanner menace has been largely exterminated, there is now more potential than ever before for privacy invasion. The alleged security of GSM relies on the myth that encryption - the mathematical scrambling of our conversations - makes it impossible for anyone to intercept and understand our words.
And while this claim looks good on paper, it does not stand up to scrutiny. The reality is that the encryption has deliberately been made insecure. Many encrypted calls can therefore be intercepted and decrypted with a laptop computer. WHAT ARE EMIE AND PIN? ESN mean Electronic Serial Number. This number is loaded when the phone number is manufactured.
This number cannot be tampered or changes by the user or subscriber. If this number is known a mobile can be cloned easily.
Personal Identification Number (PIN).every subscriber provides a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to its user. This is a unique number. If PIN and ESN are know a mobile phone can be cloned in seconds using some software's like Patagonia. Which is used to clone CDMA phones. WHAT IS PATAGONIA?
Patagonia is software available in the market which is used to clone CDMA phone. Using this software a cloner can take over the control of a CDMA phone i.e. Cloning of phone. There are other Software's available in the market to clone GSM phone. This software's are easily available in the market. A SIM can be cloned again and again and they can be used at different places. Messages and calls sent by cloned phones can be tracked.
However, if the accused manages to also clone the IMEI number of the handset, for which software's are available, there is no way he can be traced. CAN DIGITAL PHONES BE CLONED? Digital phones can be cloned however; the mobile phones employing digital TDMA and CDMA technology are equipped with a feature known as 'Authentication.' Some newer model analog phones also have this feature.
Authentication allows the mobile service provider network to determine the legitimacy of a mobile phone. Phones determined to be 'clones' can be instantly denied access to service before any calls are made or received. HOW TO PREVENT CELL CLONING? Uniquely identifies a mobile unit within a wireless carrier's network. The MIN often can be dialed from other wireless or wire line networks. The number differs from the electronic serial number (ESN), which is the unit number assigned by a phone manufacturer.
MINs and ESNs can be checked electronically to help prevent fraud.Mobiles should never be trusted for communicating/storing confidential information. Always set a Pin that's required before the phone can be used. Check that all mobile devices are covered by a corporate security policy. Ensure one person is responsible for keeping tabs on who has what equipment and that they update the central register. How do service providers handle reports of cloned phones? Legitimate subscribers who have their phones cloned will receive bills with charges for calls they didn't make. Sometimes these charges amount to several thousands of dollars in addition to the legitimate charges.
Typically, the service provider will assume the cost of those additional fraudulent calls. However, to keep the cloned phone from continuing to receive service, the service provider will terminate the legitimate phone subscription. The subscriber is then required to activate a new subscription with a different phone number requiring reprogramming of the phone, along with the additional headaches that go along with phone number changes.
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Do you know how to clone a cell phone? Are you receiving exorbitantly high phone bill that doesn’t match your mobile phone usage or somebody used you for letting them send lewd messages or for making obscene calls???
If yes then it’s time for you to realize that your mobile handset has been cloned. What is cloning??? What clone phone refers to? Cell phone cloning is a technique wherein secured data from one cell phone is transferred into another phone. The other cell phone becomes the exact replica of the original cell phone like a clone. As a result, while calls can be made from and received by both phones, only the legitimate subscriber is billed as the service provider network does not have a way to differentiate between the legitimate phone and the “cloned” phone.
The cloner can set the options to ring his phone when you make a call and you will have no idea that the cloner is listening from his own mobile. He can read text message, phone book entries, look at pictures etc. Also he can dial phone numbers from their phone and a whole lot more. Though communication channels are equipped with security algorithms, yet cloners get away with the help of loop holes in systems. So when one gets huge bills, the chances are that the phone is being cloned. Millions of cell phones users, be it GSM or CDMA, run at risk of having their phones cloned. How it is done?
How to clone a phone? Are you searching for how to clone a cell phone? Let’s start, cloning is the process of taking the programmed information that is stored in a legitimate mobile phone and illegally programming the identical information into another mobile phone. The culprits clone and get access to your phone using software’s that are easily available, once the software is installed they just need the unique IMEI number of the phone and they can digitally imprint these numbers on any of the phone they want. Once this is done they can send messages, make calls to anyone and the person whose phone has been cloned will be held responsible. We’ve described method to clone phone. FOR CDMA: – Cloning involved modifying or replacing the EPROM in the phone with a new chip which would allow you to configure an ESN (Electronic serial number) via software.
You would also have to change the MIN (Mobile Identification Number). When you had successfully changed the ESN/MIN pair, your phone was an effective clone of the other phone. Cloning required access to ESN and MIN pairs.
FOR GSM:- Cloning has been shown to be successful on code division multiple access (CDMA) but rare on the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), one of the more widely used mobile telephone communication systems. However, cloning GSM phones is achieved by cloning the SIM card contained within, not necessarily any of the phone’s internal data.
GSM phones do not have ESN or MIN, only an IMEI number. GSM SIM cards are actually copied by removing the SIM card and placing a device between the handset and the SIM card and allowing it to operate for a few days and extracting the KI, or secret code.
Cloning has been successfully demonstrated under GSM, but the process is not easy and it currently remains in the realm of serious hobbyists and researchers. Software’s available for Cloning FOR CDMA:- If PIN and ESN are known, a mobile phone can be cloned in seconds using some software’s like Patagonia which is used to clone CDMA phones. FOR GSM:- However, if the accused manages to also clone the IMEI number of the handset, for which software’s are available, there is no way he can be traced How serious is the Cloning Fraud Problem? Each year, the mobile phone industry loses millions of dollars in revenue because of the criminal actions of persons who are able to reconfigure mobile phones so that their calls are billed to other phones owned by innocent third persons. Many criminals use cloned cellular telephones for illegal activities, because their calls are not billed to them, and are therefore much more difficult to trace. This phenomenon is especially prevalent in drug crimes.
Drug dealers need to be in constant contact with their sources of supply and their confederates on the streets. Traffickers acquire cloned phones at a minimum cost, make dozens of calls, and then throw the phone away after as little as a days’ use. In the same way, criminals who pose a threat to our national security, such as terrorists, have been known to use cloned phones to thwart law enforcement efforts aimed at tracking their whereabouts. The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) estimates that financial losses due to cloning fraud are between $600 million and $900 million in the United States. Some subscribers of Reliance had to suffer because their phone was cloned. Mobile Cloning is in initial stages in India so preventive steps should be taken by the network provider and the Government.
How to checkout whether your cellphone is cloned or not? Unfortunately, there is no way the subscriber can detect cloning.
Events like call dropping or anomalies in monthly bills can act as tickers. But some points mentioned below can help you. Frequent wrong number phone calls to your phone, or hang-ups. Difficulty in placing outgoing calls. Difficulty in retrieving voice mail messages.
Incoming calls constantly receiving busy signals or wrong numbers. Unusual calls appearing on your phone bills. Technical method to detect Cloned pho nes The mobile phone seems to be moving at impossible, or most unlikely speeds. For example, if a call is first made in Helsinki, and five minutes later, another call is made but this time in Tampere, there must be two phones with the same identity on the network. Reactions include shutting them all off so that the real customer will contact the operator because he lost the service he is paying for, or tearing down connections so that the clone users will switch to another clone but the real user will contact the operator.
Cell Phone Cloning Software Download
Preventive Measures to Protect your Mobile from Cloning The best way to prevent you simcard or mobile phone from being cloned is to use Authentication feature. Authentication is a mathematical process by which identical calculations are performed in both the network and the mobile phone. These calculations use secret information (known as a “key”) pre-programmed into both the mobile phone and the network before service is activated. Cloners typically have no access to this secret information (i.e., the key), and therefore cannot obtain the same results to the calculations. A legitimate mobile phone will produce the same calculated result as the network. The mobile phone’s result is sent to the network and compared with the network’s results.
If they match, the phone is not a “clone.” IS AUTHENTICATION EFFECTIVE? Yes, for the most part.
However, Authentication is the most robust and reliable method for preventing cloning fraud and it is the only industry “standard” method for eliminating cloning. The fact that it is standardized means that all mobile telecommunications networks using IS-41 can support Authentication. There is no need to add proprietary equipment, software, or communications protocols to the networks to prevent cloning fraud. IS MY PHONE AUTHENTICATION CAPABLE? If the phone supports TDMA or CDMA digital radio, then yes. Otherwise, it depends on how old the phone is and the make and model. Almost all phones manufactured since the beginning of 1996 support the Authentication function.
The best bet is to check with your service. Real Life Cases Recently the Delhi (India) police arrested a person with 20 cell- phones, a laptop, a SIM scanner, and a writer.
The accused was running an exchange illegally wherein he cloned CDMA based cell phones. He used software named Patagonia for the cloning and provided cheap international calls to Indian immigrants in West Asia.
So its illegal to clone phone! Anyways you people got the idea about how to clone a phone and what is cloning! Be connected with movzio for more updates! I want to clone my phone because i accidentally landed on a complete access granted plan with virgin mobile which uses a sprint sim card. The process was undetected by their system and now i have been using my line for almost 2 years and have not been charged. I have an lg volt ls740 and wish to switch to an unlocked phone.
I havent purchased the phone yet but I will once I know this is possible. The networks used are lte/cdma and yes my 4g works all the time and i have been able to use continuous data without issues. My voicemail works aswell. Everything works except wifi tether. If you have any knowledge of a method of doing this, the insight would be very helpful.