Program Kerja Kkn Bidang Kesehatan
Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, KKN-T Posdaya Desa Jatijejer, Kec.
Latar Belakang Program Studi Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia (PSSKM UI) diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia (FKMUI). FKM UI secara resmi berdiri pada tanggal 1 Juli 1965 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Perguruan Tinggi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Nomor 153 Tahun 1965. FKMUI merupakan fakultas ke tiga belas di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia.
Berdirinya FKM UI pada tahun 1965 berlandaskan keinginan untuk mendidik dan menghasilkan tenaga-tenaga di bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat guna meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat serta mampu menangani masalah bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat di Indonesia. Berdasarkan kesepakatan antara Program Studi Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat dengan organisasi profesi bahwa tujuan berdirinya PSSKM UI adalah menghasilkan sarjana (S1) yang memiliki jati diri dan ciri kompetensi yang sesuai dengan perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi kesehatan masyarakat serta mampu mendukung program pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia melalui kebijakan khususnya di bidang kesehatan masyarakat. 1.1 Visi Program Studi Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat Menjadi program studi unggul dalam menghasilkan Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat yang mampu berperan aktif dalam mengatasi masalah kesehatan masyarakat pada tingkat global, melalui proses pendidikan, riset dan pengabdian masyarakat pada tahun 2015. 1.2 Misi Program Studi Melaksanakan program pendidikan kesehatan masyarakat yang menekankan pada kemampuan memecahkan masalah kesehatan masyarakat dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat dalam era globalisasi Mengupayakan kegiatan penelitian yang mempunyai kontribusi pada kemajuan ilmu dan tekonologi di bidang kesehatan masyarakat Melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat untuk memecahkan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di instansi pemerintah dan swasta dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan tinggi di bidang kesehatan masyarakat secara global. Mendidik generasi yang unggul, kreatif, inovatif, memiliki wawasan global, memiliki kompetensi di bidang kesehatan masyarakat, dan memiliki kepedulian terhadap permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat.
PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION To increase health status, the efforts must be comprehensive, in high quality, and ensured the equity and equality in effective and efficient manner, using public health and medical approaches. According to Leavell and Clark (1965)1, who introduced the concept of prevention level comprising of primary prevention (promotion and specific protection), secondary prevention (early diagnosis and prompt treatment), and tertiary prevention (disability limitation and rehabilitation), public health and medicine can contribute to every level.
Nonetheless, public health is known to have population as the primary focus, and emphasize on disease prevention and health promotion for the whole community ( about/public-health-medicine ). Prevention is the soul of public health, and it must be the spirit of health programs. In response to the Indonesia’s health problem, the improvement of input factors is impeccable, and human resource is the one that has to be managed systematically. Therefore the human resources in health or health workforce must have strong public health paradigm, and implement a wide spectrum of intervention with the target of environment, human behavior and lifestyle as well as medical care. In 1982, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia (FPHUI) worked along with SPH University of Hawai to make a development about 5 FPH in Indonesia with FPHUI as the leader. The aim is to provide a sustainable source of trained public health manpower with the technical knowledge and skills to manage public health and population services systems with emphasis on disease prevention and health promotion. UI keeps having development, and at this time being there are 13 faculties clustered into three, in addition to one vocational program.
Science and technology (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Computer Science) Social-Humaniora(Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, and Faculty of Humanities) Health Sciences (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Nursing, and Faculty of Public Health). FPHUI has three study program, ie: Undergraduate Program of Public Health (UPPH), Undergraduate Program of Nutrition, and Undergraduate Program of Environmental Health. Vision and Mission: The following are the vision and mission of UPPHUI. Vision of UPPH: To be a leading public health program that contributes actively in public health problems on a global level, through education, research and community service in 2015. Mission of UPPH: To develop and deliver public health education programs in effective and efficient way. To utilize result of research and community services activities for the development of the curriculum and its implementation.
To support students in participating and conducting public health research and community services/ engagement. To produce graduates with high knowledge and skills in understanding public health problems, problem solving, implementing public health solution, and long life learning. RT @akgfkmui: INFOGIZI AKG Halo Giziers! Bila kamu melihat teman yang selalu mengantuk sepanjang hari bisa jadi ia mengalami gangguan tid. Pemberian Beasiswa oleh ketua ILUNI FKM UI. Orasi Ilmiah dari Prof. Purnawan Junadi, MPH, Dr.
PH dalam rangka Dies Natalis FKM UI ke-53 dengan tema 'Meny. RT @BEMFKMUI: Para volunteer ini akan mengabdi selama lebih kurang 3 minggu di Distrik Biscoop, Teluk Bintuni, Provinsi Papua Barat.
Contoh Program Kerja Kkn Di Bidang Kesehatan
Halo, FKM! Hari ini, 7 Agustus 2018 pukul 01.00 WIB, telah diberangkatkan volunteer FKM u/ Program Bhak. RT @SIMAKUI: Kesempatan masuk S1 UI bukan hanya dimiliki siswa SMA saja. Siswa SMK/STM/paket c pun bisa melalui tes tulis SIMAK UI & SBMP.
Size measurement with fine particles. Dry screening is useful for sizing particles with diameter greater than about 44 μm (325 mesh). Wet screen analysis can be used for diameters down to 10 μm. Optical microscopy and gravity sedimentation are used with particles 1 – 100 μm. Coulter counter, a device used for sizing and measuring particles by measuring change in resistivity of an electrolyte as it carry particle one by one through a small orifice. Light scattering techniques, sedimentation in centrifuges and electron microscopy are other useful method for measuring size of even smaller particles.
Masses of solid particles, especially when they are dry and not sticky, have many properties of a fluid. They exert pressure on sides of walls of container. They flow through opening or inclined plane / channel. Depending upon the flow property particulate solids are divided into two classes, cohesive (wet clay, reluctant to flow through opening) and non-cohesive (grains, dry sand, plastic chips etc readily flow out of bin or silo). They differ from liquid and gasses in several ways because of particles interlocked at high pressure. Before the mass of tightly packed particles can flow, it must increased in volume to permit interlocking grains to move past one another. Voidage is the fraction of the total volume which is made up of the free space between the particles and is filled with fluid.
One of the most important characteristics of any particulate mass. Voidage is the fraction of the total volume which is made up of the free space between the particles and is filled with fluid. Voidage corresponds to density of packing of the particles. In general, isometric particles, will pack more densely than long thin particles or plates. The more rapidly material is poured on to a surface or into a vessel, the more densely will it pack. If it is then subjected to vibration, further consolidation may occur.
The packing density or voidage is important in that it determines the bulk density of the material. It affects the tendency for agglomeration of the particles. It critically influences the resistance offers to the fluid flowing through it as for example in filtration.
Agglomeration arises from interaction between particles, as a result of which they adhere to one another to form clusters. The main mechanisms giving rise to agglomeration are:. Mechanical interlocking: This can occur particularly if the particles are long and thin in shape, in which case large masses may become completely interlocked. Surface attraction: Surface forces, including van der Waals’ forces, may give rise to substantial bonds between particles, particularly where particles are very fine (. The exerted pressure is not same in all directions. In general the pressure applied in one direction creates some pressure in other directions.
The minimum pressure in solid masses is in the direction normal to that of applied pressure. In homogenous masses the ratio of normal pressure to applied pressure is constant which is the characteristic of material which depends on:. shape and interlocking tendency of particles,.
stickiness of grain surfaces,. and degree of packing. It is nearly independent of particle size until the grain become very small and material is no loner free-flowing.
When the granular solid are piled up on a flat surface, the sides of the pile are at a definite reproducible angle with the horizontal. This angle is called angle of repose of that material. If solid is poured from a nozzle on to a plane surface, it will form an approximately conical heap and the angle between the sloping side of the cone and the horizontal is the angle of repose. When this is determined in this manner it is sometimes referred to as the dynamic angle of repose or the poured angle. The angle of repose may also be measured using a plane sheet to which is stuck a layer of particles from the powder. Loose powder is then poured on to the sheet which is then tilted until the powder slides.
The angle of slide is known as the static angle of repose or the drained angle. Angles of repose vary from about 20◦ with free-flowing solids, to about 60◦ with solids with poor flow characteristics. Powders with low angles of repose tend to pack rapidly to give a high packing density. An angle which is similar to the static angle of repose is the angle of slide which is measured in the same manner as the drained angle except that the surface is smooth and is not coated with a layer of particles. A measure of the frictional forces within the particulate mass is the angle of friction. The angle of friction is important in its effect on design of bin and hoppers.
If the pressure at the base of a column of solids is measured as a function of depth, it is found to increase approximately linearly with height up to a certain critical point beyond which it remains constant. When hundred and thousands of tons of solids are involved then storing out door in a pile is the most economical method. Valuable solids are stored in bins, hoppers or silos. These are cylindrical or rectangular vessel of concrete or metal.
Silo is tall relatively small in diameter. Bin is not very tall but fairly wide. Hopper is small vessel with sloping bottom. Silos and bins are used storage for some period of time while hoppers are used for temporary storage before feeding solid to the process. All these container are loaded from top by some kind of elevator; discharging is from the bottom.
The major problem in solid storage vessel design is to provide satisfactory discharge. Discharge from the hopper takes place through an aperture at the bottom of the cone, and difficulties are commonly experienced in obtaining a regular, or sometimes, any flow. Commonly experienced types of behavior are shown in Figure 1.15.
Bridging of particles may take place and sometimes stable arches (b) may form inside the hopper. These can usually be broken down by vibrators attached to the walls. A further problem which is commonly encountered is that of “piping” or “rat-holing”(c), in which the central core of material is discharged leaving a stagnant surrounding mass of solids.
As a result some solids may be retained for long periods in the hopper and may deteriorate. Ideally, “mass flow” (a) is required in which the solids are in plug flow and move downwards in masse in the hopper. The residence time of all particles in the hopper will then be the same.
In general, tall thin hoppers give better flow characteristics than short wide ones and the use of long small-angle conical sections at the base is advantageous. The nature of the surface of the hopper is important and smooth surfaces give improved discharge characteristics. Particle technology is a term used to refer to the science and technology related to the handling and processing of particles. Particle technology is also often described as powder technology, particle science and powder science. Particles are commonly referred to as bulk solids, particulate solids and granular solids. Today particle technology includes the study of liquid drops, emulsions and bubbles as well as solid particles.
This course is however limited only to solid particles. The discipline of particle technology now includes topics as diverse as the formation of aerosols to the design of bucket elevators, crystallization to pneumatics transport, slurry filtration to silo design. Solids used in chemical industries are most commonly in form of particles. Solids in general are more difficult to handle then liquid and gases. In process industries solid appear in variety of forms, they may be hard and abrasive, tough and rubbery, soft and fragile, dusty and cohesive, Free flowing or sticky.
Particulate materials, powders or bulk solids are used widely in all areas of the process industries, for example in the food processing, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, oil, chemical, mineral processing, metallurgical, detergent, power generation, paint, plastics and cosmetics industries. So the knowledge of their properties, handling, storage, transportation, separation and processing is important from chemical engineering point of view.
Course Content. Introduction to the subject. Characterization of solid particles (size, shape and density). Fundamentals of solid handling (conveying and storage).
Mixing. Size reduction (crushing and grinding). Size enlargement (crystallization, pelletization, and granualization). Motion of particles in a fluid. Separation techniques. Screening and Sieving (for solid – solid separation).
Sedimentation and Filtration (for solid – liquid separation). Gas cleaning (for solid – gas separation) Books to be consult. In addition to chemical composition, the behavior of particulate materials is often dominated by the physical properties of the constituent particles. These can influence a wide range of material properties including, for example, reaction and dissolution rates, how easily ingredients flow and mix, or compressibility and abrasivity. From a manufacturing and development perspective, some of the most important physical properties to measure are:.
Particle size. Particle shape.
Surface properties. Mechanical properties. Charge properties. microstructure 1.1. Particle shape. Dp: equivalent diameter of particle. Sp: surface area of one particle.
vp: volume of one particle. The equivalent diameter is sometimes defined as the diameter of a sphere of equal volume. For fine particles, Dp is usually taken to be the nominal size based on screen analysis or microscopic analysis. The surface area is found from adsorption measurements or from the pressure drop in a bed of particles. For many crushed materials, Sphericity is between 0.6 and 0.8. For particles rounded by abrasion, their sphericity may be as high as 0.95.
Exercise: Determine the sphericity of a particle of surface area 15 mm2 and volume 2 mm3. By far the most important physical property of particulate samples is particle size. Particle size measurement is routinely carried out across a wide range of industries and is often a critical parameter in the manufacturing of many products. Particle size has a direct influence on material properties such as:. Reactivity or dissolution rate e.g. Catalysts, tablets.
Stability in suspension e.g. Sediments, paints. Efficacy of delivery e.g.
Asthma inhalers. Texture and feel e.g.
Food ingredients. Appearance e.g. Powder coatings and inks.
Flowability and handling e.g. Granules.
Viscosity e.g. Nasal sprays. Packing density and porosity e.g.
In general 'diameter' may be specified for any equidimensional particles (e.g. Emulsions or bubbles). Most of the solid particles used in industries are not equidimensional, therefore cannot be specified by a single dimension i.e. In order to simplify the measurement process, it is often convenient to define the particle size using the concept of equivalent spheres. In this case the particle size is defined by the diameter of an equivalent sphere having the same property as the actual particle such as volume or mass for example. The equivalent sphere concept works very well for regular shaped particles. However, it may not always be appropriate for irregular shaped particles, such as needles or plates, where the size in at least one dimension can differ significantly from that of the other dimensions.
Such particles are often characterized by the second longest major dimension. For example needle like particles, Dp would refer to the thickness of the particle, not their length. Units used for particle size depend on the size of particles. Coarse particles: inches or millimetres. Fine particles: screen size. Very fine particles: micrometers or nanometers.
Ultra fine particles: surface area per unit mass, m2/g 1.3 Mixed particle sizes and size analysis. Each fraction can then be weighed, or the individual particles in it can be counted or measured by any of the number of methods. Information from such a particle size analysis is tabulated to show the mass fraction in each size increment as a function of average particle size. The analysis tabulated in this way is called differential analysis. A second way to present the information is through a cumulative analysis obtained by adding, consecutively, the individual increments, starting with that containing the smallest particles, and tabulating or plotting the cumulative sums against the maximum particle diameter in the increment. Differential Analysis. The results of screen analysis are tabulated to show the mass fraction of each screen increment as a function of the mesh size range of the increment.
The notation 14/20 means “through 14 mesh and on 20 mesh”. Typical screen analysis is given in next slide. First column: mesh size,. second column: width of opening of screen,. third column: mass fraction of total sample that is retained on that screen xi (where i is the number starting from the bottom of the stack),. fourth column: averaged particle size Dpi (since the particle on any screen are passed immediately by the screen ahead of it, the averaged of these two screen are needed to specify the averaged size in that increment). Fifth column: cumulative fraction smaller than Dpi.
History of Use. 1000 A.D. Arab scientists discovered distillation and were able to make kerosene. This was lost after the 12th century!. Rediscovered by a Canadian geologist called Abraham Gesner in 1852. Oil seep in California: Petroleum seep (a place where natural liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons escape to the earth's atmosphere and surface, normally under low pressure or flow).
The seep began after the 1994 Northridge earthquake in the North Sulphur Mountain Area of Ojai oil field, Ventura County, CA. 1858: first oil drilled in Canada.
1859: Edwin Drake!. He was the first person in the U.S. To drill for oil, Where? Titusville, Pennsylvania.
Initial cost: $20 per barrel, within three years dropped to 10 cents. Now why do we measure oil in barrels?. 1901: Texas! Spindletop gushed 60m high and gave 100,000 bbl a day. Name: Petro means rock, Oleum means oil. 3000 B.C.: Mesopotamians used “rock oil” in architectural adhesives, ship caulks, medicines and roads.
2000 B.C.: Chinese refined crude oil for use in lamps and to heat their homes Even though fossil fuels were used thousands of years ago, mass consumption of oil and gas began only “recently.”. 1849: Method to distill kerosene from petroleum discovered.
1853: Polish chemist Ignancy Lukasiewiz discovered how to make kerosene from crude oil on an industrial scale. 1859: Kerosene took over lighting market. 1847: The world’s first oil well was drilled in Baku, Azerbaijan. 1851: Scottish chemist James Young opens the world’s first oil refinery near Edinburgh, Scotland. 1859: Colonel Edwin Drake drilled the first successful commercial oil well in northwestern Pennsylvania. 1896: The first known offshore oil well is drilled at the end of a 300-foot wharf in Summerland, California. 1901: On January 10, Spindletop, an oil field located just south of Beaumont, Texas, produces a 'gusher' that spills out 100,000 barrels of oil per day.
1917: The Bolivar Coastal field, South America’s largest oil field, discovered in Venezuela. 1903: Entrepreneur Henry Ford incorporates the Ford Motor Company. 1908: Ford's mass-produced Model T drives consumer demand for gasoline. 125,000 cars on US roads. Oil is found in Persia (modern Iran), leading to the formation of Anglo-Persian Oil company, the forerunner of BP. 1930: 26.7 million cars in the US. 1938: Major oil reserves are discovered in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
1950 – present: Oil became most-used energy source because of automobiles. Lanjut program kerja, program kerja kita fokus ke empat bidang yaitu pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi dan infrastruktur lingkungan. Bidang pendidikan progjanya ada pendidikan seks dini untuk anak-anak SD, pelatihan pranatacara untuk masyarakat umum desa Sedayu, lomba mewarnai untuk anak-anak TK, membantu kegiatan TPQ, bimbingan belajar dan motivasi, pendidikan sopan santun untuk anak-anak SD, dan pendampingan karawitan yang merupakan kegiatan rutin di dusun Tanjungsari.
Bidang kesehatan progjanya antara lain bersih pemukiman dan jalan sehat yang sasaranya adalah anak-anak yang ikut dalam bimbingan belajar, pendampingan posyandu, senam ibu-ibu, pengobatan dan pemeriksaan gratis untuk seluruh masyarakat desa sedayu. Bidang ekonomi antara lain pendaftaran PIRT, E-commerce produk kerajinan, dan pelatihan pembuatan lilin. Selanjutnya adalah bidang lingkungan dan infrastruktur progjanya antara lain kerja bakti sedayu, sosialisasi pemanfaatan halaman pekarangan rumah dan pembuatan pupuk organik, go green Sedayu penanaman 2000 pohon. Alhamdullilah semua program kerja hampir terlaksana dengan baik berkat ridho Allah, bantuan dan kerjasama dari semua pihak. Banyak pelajaran dan pengalaman yang kita dapat setelah melakukan KKN ini.
Program Kerja Kkn Bidang Kesehatan
Selain melakukan program kerja tersebut kita juga bisa liburan di daerah dataran tinggi dieng yang indah dan sejuk.