How To Create Loyalty Programs In Sap Crm Training
For those of you who have already tried to get data out of Loyalty component in SAP CRM, this short document is maybe too late. For those of you just starting, please, keep in mind you are really lucky! As a short introduction we have to say that for BW consultants used to work with SAP ERP, working with SAP CRM for the first time will require a short period of adjustment. You will have to get used with new objets, new names and a different table structure. The good news for you is: some of us have already walked this path!
This document will describe how to create a SAP CRM Loyalty generic datasource with the main fields necessary to perform key analysis related to loyalty in SAP NetWeaver BW (SAP BW). The goal is to explain step by step how to perform the following activities:.
Create a view based on SAP CRM Loyalty tables;. Create a generic datasource based on that view;.
Apr 26, 2017 - The SAP CRM training is of great benefit for those who wish to build a. Boost customer satisfaction and loyalty with better experiences. The SAP CRM functional training includes basic to advanced level and the course is.
- Loyalty integration is only available for SAP E-Commerce with SAP CRM. Create a membership in a loyalty program. Customers can create a new loyalty membership.
- SAP CRM Loyalty Management - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online.
Include new fields from other tables in the generic datasource;. Create an ABAP routine to populate the new fields.
We will use the following SAP CRM Loyalty tables::. LOYDPTTXN – Loyalty Management Point Account Transaction;.
LOYDMEMMEMBER – Loyalty Menagement: Database Table for Member;. LOYDMSHMEMS – Loyalty Membership Table;. LOYDMASPECATTR – Table for member activity specific attributes;. LOYDMAGENATTR – Table to store member activity generic attributes;. CGPLPROJECT – Project Planning: Attribute Table for Project Headers.
Step 1) Create a View based on LOYDPTTXN table: First we must create a view with the main loyalty tables, here we will use only the LOYDPTTXN table, which stores main loyalty transactional data, as amount of points, transaction reason, point type, among others. Fields from other tables will be inserted later by the Appended structure.
In the SAP CRM system, go to transaction SE11 to create the view. Select the “View” option and enter a technical name for your view. In this case, our view will be the “ZCRMLOY01.” Click Create. Select the view type. In this case we are creating a database view. In view maintenance screen, in tab “Table/Join Conditions”, we will include the tables used to do the join and the relationship between them.
Loyalty Programs Software
Once we are using only one table, the relationship will be done through the GUID field. In “View Fields” tab select the fields you would like to include in the view through the “Table Fields” button.
We will select all fields from LOYDPTTXN. Save and activate the view. Step 2) Create a generic datasource based on view ZCRMLOY01: Go to transaction RSO2, select the “Transaction Data” option and enter the generic datasource technical name. Here we will use the name ZCRMLOYTRANS. Libro el tallador de diamantes pdf gratis. Click Create. In the “Create Datasource” screen, click the “Extraction from View” botton, enter the application component in which the datasource will be located, the descriptions and the view that the datasource will be based. Save the datasource.
Select the fields that are visible and which are hidden. Hidden fields are not available for extraction. In our case we will keep all fields from ZCRMLOYTRANS datasource visible. Select the fields that will be available for selection in the InfoPackage during extraction for PSA. Once again, we will select all fields.
Save the datasource. Now we will include the following fields from other SAP CRM loyalty tables that will be used in the datasource.
General Information Using partnerships in Loyalty Management enables partner participation to a loyalty member. The loyalty member may earn or redeem points and miles with any of the loyalty partners.
A member of an airline loyalty program, for example, may use the earned miles to pay for room in any partner hotel chain, or may earn or redeem points when buying gas at a partner gas station. Partnership Prerequistites To be able to create a partnership for a loyalty program the following needs to be fulfilled. Partner Assignment The partner for the partnership must existin in role 'loyalty partner'. In addition the partner must be assigned to the loyalty program, and must have the status active.
Settlement Material For each point type a settlement material is needs to be specified. The settlement material is used to create follow-up sales orders to charge the partner for earned points. Customizing For creating partnerships the following customizing is required: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Customer Relationship Management Marketing Loyalty Management Partnerships Define Partnership Settings Creating Partnership If all the prerequisites are fulfilled the partnership can be created.
The partnership is created for a loyalty program. The partnership can be used once the status is active. The created partnership is then available in the loyalty program as well. Partner Point Account A partnership gets a partner point account created for each point type available in the loyalty program. The partner point account holds the balance of the points used by the partner. The partner point account holds the balance of purchased and consumed points. The overdraft amount specifies the amount of the consumed points that are not yet purchased, hence having an overdraft amount specified may result in negative balance.
Futhermore the partner point account holds all the. The balance holds the delta of all purchased and consumed points triggered from the.
The partner point account is created with having a reference to the. Partner Point Transactions The contains several partner point transactions. Those are all point transactions such as purchasing, consuming and transfering done by the loyalty program partner. Prerequisites The following customizing defines the allowed partner point transactions. SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Customer Relationship Management Marketing Loyalty Management Partner Point Accounts Define Partner Point Transaction Reasons This defines wheather a partner point transaction type is considered as credit or debit transaction, or if a partner point transaction is a transfer type (to be transfered from one partner point account to another).
Manual Creation Partner point transaction can be created manually by selecting the type and the reason, and by specifiying the amount. On saving the amounts are updated to the purchased and consumed points, and are calculating the balance in the. Member Activity Processing Once a the same same is reflected as partner point transaction. This partner point transaction is generated by report RLOYENGINEPPAPROCESS. The report needs to be scheduled in background to collect all related member activities and generate the partner point transaction accordingly. The partner point transaction is generated with reference to the member activity ID. Transaction Processing and hence updating the partner point account can either be created manually or created.
The business transaction will create a partner point transaction once theis reached. A buy points sales order will result in a purchase points partner point transaction.
A return points complaint order will result in a consume points partner point transaction. Prerequisites To get partner point transactions generated from in the buy or return points scenario is defined in the following customizing: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Customer Relationship Management Marketing Loyalty Management Channel Integration Define Matching Item Status for Creation of Partner Point Transactions Once the business transaction reaches the mentioned status the partner point transaction is generated.
Member Activities Member activities can be created with reference to a partnership, meaning that the member gets the member activity processed according to the rules in the loyalty program (so earning and redeeming points) but the points are taken from the partners point account. This is done in a 2 step approach, containing the rewared rule processing and the RLOYENGINEPPAPROCESS job. The member activity needs to have the reference to the partnership. After the member activity got executed the job RLOYENGINEPPAPROCESS picked the executed member activity and generated the partner point transaction. Buy/Return Points Transactions The partner may buy or return points or miles available in the loyalty program. In both scenarios the settlement material is used to create follow-up sales orders to charge the partner for earned points. Buy points The loyalty program partner is charged for all points issued to the members that were not purchased in advance from the loyalty host. In the buy points scenario a sales order is created for charging the loyalty partner for the points purchased.
Once the sales order is error free and has the the purchased points or miles will create a updating the. Return points The loyalty program partner receives a credit note for a positive account balance. In the return points scenario a complaints order is created for receiving a credit for points the loyalty partner returns. Once the complaint order is error free and has the the returned points or miles will create a updating the.
Creating Buy/Retun Points Transactions Buy and Return points transactions can be created manually as follow up for the partnership. Creating the follow up document will prefill the sold to party with the partner, and will contain the reference to the partnership. Once the sales order and complaint is saved error free and has the the purchased points or miles will create aupdating the. Alternatively the business transaction can be created from report CRMLOYPSHPOINTSETTLEMENT. The report is supposed to clear the partner porint account balance by either creating a sales order for purchasing points in case of a negative balance or creating a return in for returning the points in case of a positive balance. The report requires the loyalty program and the partnership as a selection, and needs the transaction types for the buy and return scenario. After having the report executed the result is available in TRX SLG1.
The is generated accordingly and the balance is zeroed out. Reports for Partnerships in Loyalty Management RLOYENGINEPPAPROCESS Report for generating partner point transactions for member activities generated with reference to memberships. Report needs to be scheduled in the background. CRMLOYPSHPOINTSETTLEMENT Report for creating RLOYPSHACCOUNTSTATEMENT Report to generate partnership account statements, for a specific loyalty program and one-or-more-or-all partnerships under it. The report is executed for the loyalty program and for any partnership. The result is the attached account statement for the partnership. RLOYPPATXNEXTRACT Report to export all partner point transactions to Excel.
The excel is attached to the partnership. The report is executed for a certain partnership for a certain time range and generates a csv file with having the colums defined in the following customizing: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Customer Relationship Management Marketing Loyalty Management Partner Point Accounts Define Partner Point Transaction Columns for Export The report attaches the CSV file to the partnership.