Interbase 6 Open Edition
Interbase 4.2 - 6.01 From: Joerg Wehrisch Subject: Interbase 4.2 - 6.01 NewsGroup: Date Posted: 7-May-2004 at 0:50:0 PST Hello NG, I'm not shure if I'm rigth here, but I'll hope someone can help me. I've downloaded Interbade Server 6.01 from and installes it succesfull an an XP Prog.
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How to uninstall InterBase 6 Client Open Edition - Version by InterBase Installation Info? Learn how to remove InterBase 6 Client Open Edition - Version from your computer.
Now I want to Import an Interbase 4.2 database is this possilbe, an how does ist work. I've also got an 5.6 database wich I also want to import. Can anyone help me? Joerg Interbase 4.2 - 6.01 From: Joerg Wehrisch Subject: Re: Interbase 4.2 - 6.01 NewsGroup: Date Posted: 7-May-2004 at 2:51:52 PST Hi Bill, Thanks a lot. And I've downloaded the newer version and testet with ist. Joerg 'Bill Todd (TeamB)' wrote in message
InterBase from that old Borland site is a beta version that has a serious bug that can corrupt your data. If you want to use IB open source download or from IB open source edition is no longer being developed. It does not support multiple processors or hyperthreading.
It also has a problem with XP that causes long connection times. You should be able to backup your IB 4.2 and 5.6 databases in transportable format using the gbak utility on the server where they are running. Backup in transportable format. The only problem you may have is if you have table, index or other database object names that are now reserved words, for example Boolean.
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- Bill (TeamB) (TeamB cannot respond to questions received via email) From: Bill Todd (TeamB) Subject: Re: Interbase 4.2 - 6.01 NewsGroup: Date Posted: 6-May-2004 at 15:58:40 PST InterBase from that old Borland site is a beta version that has a serious bug that can corrupt your data. If you want to use IB open source download or from IB open source edition is no longer being developed.
It does not support multiple processors or hyperthreading. It also has a problem with XP that causes long connection times. You should be able to backup your IB 4.2 and 5.6 databases in transportable format using the gbak utility on the server where they are running.
Backup in transportable format. The only problem you may have is if you have table, index or other database object names that are now reserved words, for example Boolean. Bill (TeamB) (TeamB cannot respond to questions received via email) From: Craig Stuntz TeamB Subject: Re: Interbase 4.2 - 6.01 NewsGroup: Date Posted: 11-May-2004 at 6:28:2 PST damian marquez wrote: Bill Todd (TeamB) wrote: IB open source edition is no longer being developed.
It does not support multiple processors or hyperthreading. It also has a problem with XP that causes long connection times.
The problem with XP is for server, for client or for both, Bill? XP works fine as a client for IB 6. You can work around the server issue by disabling System Restore. However, you'll have a different problem on Server 2003 (again, as a server) which also causes long connect times which can't be worked around, AFAIK, except by updating to the current version of IB.Craig - Craig Stuntz TeamB. Vertex Systems Corp. Columbus, OH Delphi/InterBase Weblog: InterBase PLANalyzer 1.1 - Free InterBase query optimization tool: From: damian marquez Subject: Re: Interbase 4.2 - 6.01 NewsGroup: Date Posted: 11-May-2004 at 6:29:16 PST Bill Todd (TeamB) wrote: IB open source edition is no longer being developed. It does not support multiple processors or hyperthreading.
It also has a problem with XP that causes long connection times. The problem with XP is for server, for client or for both, Bill? - Have you seen Marillion's Marbles? Visit and get in touch with the most amazing music.
From: Craig Stuntz TeamB Subject: Re: Interbase 4.2 - 6.01 NewsGroup: Date Posted: 21-May-2004 at 9:40:9 PST Peter Goddard wrote: The XP long connection time is very simply solved by renaming your gdb files to.fdb or whatever as Microsoft has reserved GBK as a backup extension You can't rename isc4.gdb. You can set the DB read-only and set the R-O bit, but that won't work for people who need to add users or change passwords, and it will still cause connection problems.Craig - Craig Stuntz TeamB. Vertex Systems Corp.
Columbus, OH Delphi/InterBase Weblog: IB 6 versions prior to are pre-release and may corrupt your DBs! Open Edition users, get from From: Peter Goddard Subject: Re: Interbase 4.2 - 6.01 NewsGroup: Date Posted: 21-May-2004 at 17:4:42 PST The XP long connection time is very simply solved by renaming your gdb files to.fdb or whatever as Microsoft has reserved GBK as a backup extension 'damian marquez' wrote in message Bill Todd (TeamB) wrote: IB open source edition is no longer being developed. It does not support multiple processors or hyperthreading. It also has a problem with XP that causes long connection times. The witcher 2 assassins of kings enhanced edition torrent pc. The problem with XP is for server, for client or for both, Bill?
- Have you seen Marillion's Marbles? Visit and get in touch with the most amazing music.