Download Rohan Gm Commands Hack
This is the rohanclient.exe w/ gm commands in it. I made it using OllyDBG and credits go to Sorien for the tutorial How to use: 1. Download the link below 2.
Aug 19, 2009 - ROHAN indonesia bot. Download the latest version from official site: Rohan Hack #3 - Bypass Patcher. May 07, 2009 This is the rohanclient.exe w/ gm commands in it. I made it using OllyDBG and credits go to Sorien for the tutorial How to use: 1. Download the link.
Overwrite the rohanclient.exe located in your Rohan Folder 3. Open rohanbot or use the multi-client method for GG bypass 4.
Click Start game 5. Enjoy GM Commands that work: type /gmspeed 1-100. This application has failed to start because LIBEAY32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.??? UNable to locate component dude TT buzztardz18 added 6 Minutes and 56 Seconds later. Febi rosaurofebi rosaurofebi rosaurofebi rosaurofebi rosaurofebi rosaurofebi rosaurofebi rosaurofebi rosaurofebi rosaurofebi rosauro buzztardz18 added 8 Minutes and 47 Seconds later.
Robert77 can u send me a ROHAN hack. This is the rohanclient.exe w/ gm commands in it. I made it using OllyDBG and credits go to Sorien for the tutorial How to use: 1. Download the link below 2. Overwrite the rohanclient.exe located in your Rohan Folder 3. Open rohanbot or use the multi-client method for GG bypass 4.
Click Start game 5. Enjoy GM Commands that work: type /gmspeed 1-100.
What is the Dhan Avenger Class? Like stealth ninjas, their ability to vanish at will puts them at major advantage. Their abilities such as Silence, Mana Burn and Polluting blood easily makes them an ultimate killing machine. Don’t forget to drop by the Rohan forum for the latest discussion on the Dhan Avenger build.
Dhan Avenger Skill Build This Skill Build Guide is made by of Rohan Forums. All credit belongs to him. For further discussion, check out the link to the forum below.
Original link here: Agility Dhan I think are the best all round classes in the game for PVE and PVP. The classes you will have trouble with are Templar and Mages. Let’s start off with your build.
I think 4 agi 4 agi 4 agi 3 agi / 1 vit is the best build till level 50. Then from there on out full agi till level 70.
Then from 70-80 7 agi / 1 vit. To really be successful with this character you might have to spend some $ I’ll explain why later, now that we have a build down, let’s talk about skills. Kembali nyalakan BreakPoint kalau kalian menonaktifkannya sebelomnya 2. Bukalah ROSE dan trans barang yang kalian inginkan taruhlah di window 3. ROSE akan di block sama olly. Freeze address nya di cheat engine kalian dan play lagi di olly 4.
Kamu bisa melihat item kamu itu seperti biasa di window trans 5. Dalam game, pindahkanlah random item ke window trans 6. Ubahlah 1st byte dalam cheat engine kalian dari 00 menjadi 01 - 09 (pilih salah 1 saja dr ini, JGN AMBIL YG LEBIH BESAR!!) 7. ROSE pasti akan di block lg, seperti biasa pergilah ke olly dan pencet Play lg =P 8. Ulangilah langkah 5 6 7 diatas dan kalian akan terus meng-copy barang yang kalian inginkan tsb 9. Setelah kalian selesai dalam kasus pertama, maka unfreeze lah address dalam Cheat Engine kalian 10. Setelah selesai semuanya, hapuslah juga breakpoint dengan press Space dalam Olly.
Mgkn ndak segampank yang dibayangkan! But it works. Ara Dupe Item (Disini akan dijelaskan pula cara penggunaan program program secara menyeluruh) 1. Install ollydbg dan program sniffer anda / cheat engine 2. Jalankan ROSE OnLine kalian bersama dengan orang yg dpt dipercaya. (buka olly prog dengan mini screen) 3. Attach trose ke cheat engine kalian 4.
Pada program olly tekan ctrl+g dan masukan data address: 004F639F 5. Ini seharusnya akan membuat ntdll pada Trose bekerja, apabila iya maka: 6. Tekan lagi ctrl + g dan tekan enter 7. Kamu skrg mustinya sudah ada di module execute trose 8.
Set breakpoint nya ke address yang ada. Kalo kalian belom melakukan apapun, tekan B button dan windows tittle utk melihat antara CPU dan breakpoint nya 9. Skrg lakukanlah trans dengan teman kalian dan masukan item apa ajah randomly 10. Olly seharusnya akan memblock ROSE kamu, skrg: 11. Diatas kanan kalian isa liat registers, lihat pada EDX Register dan tulislah value tersebut (kalau aku sih 015251F8, tapi isa ajah berubah) 12. Sum 0x06 dalam bilangan hexa dalam value itu, jadi itu akan berubah menjadi 015251FC 13.
Tekan tombol 'Play' di olly, sehingga ROSE bisa berjalan lg 14. Pada breakpoint view select breakpoihntnya dan tekan Space utk menonaktifkannya. Attach Cheat Engine ke ROSE dan tambahkan the last address yang kita temuin (0015251FC) set utk Byte 10 16. Skrg anda sudah bisa men-copy item di ROSE.
2.Run ROHAN Item Duplicator 3. Write rohan.exe on your ROHAN Duplicator directory.
You can Find rohanmain Its usually here - C:Program Files-GamesROHAN Online (PH) after that press start. Put 1 item in your inventory ( item that will duplicate ) 5. Just put 1 item in you character inventory 6. Use the program and select 1 7. Just transfer and transfer your item it will leave 1 duplicate every transfer 8. Put that item in your storage and reconnect.
Now you will have that item (duplicate item) permanent. Directly loads and debugs DLLs. Object file scanning - locates routines from object files and libraries. Allows for user-defined labels, comments and function descriptions.
Understands debugging information in Borland® format. Saves patches between sessions, writes them back to executable file and updates fixups. Open architecture - many third-party plugins are available. No installation - no trash in registry or system directories. Debugs multithread applications. Attaches to running programs. Configurable disassembler, supports both MASM and IDEAL formats.
MMX, 3DNow! And SSE data types and instructions, including Athlon extensions. Full UNICODE support. Dynamically recognizes ASCII and UNICODE strings - also in Delphi format!. Recognizes complex code constructs, like call to jump to procedure. Decodes calls to more than 1900 standard API and 400 C functions. Gives context-sensitive help on API functions from external help file.
Nah Berikut ini adalah sekilas tentang program OllyDBG yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat program hack silahkan di translate sendiri. OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger for Microsoft® Windows®. Emphasis on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable Special highlights are:. Intuitive user interface, no cryptical commands. Code analysis - traces registers, recognizes procedures, loops, API calls, switches, tables, constants and strings. Nah Berikut ini adalah sekilas tentang program OllyDBG yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat program hack silahkan di translate sendiri.
OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger for Microsoft® Windows®. Emphasis on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable Special highlights are:.
Intuitive user interface, no cryptical commands. Code analysis - traces registers, recognizes procedures, loops, API calls, switches, tables, constants and strings.
Rohan Ph Gm Commands
Directly loads and debugs DLLs. Object file scanning - locates routines from object files and libraries.
Allows for user-defined labels, comments and function descriptions. Understands debugging information in Borland® fo. Dragon Sage Class Build (tank/pvp) This is a great Tank/PVP build that i am using and having alot of fun with. The main focus is using Health Drain, and Breath for your main two damage spells. Its is very important to max out Mana to health spell and Health to mana spell.
These 2 spells will make you pretty much invincible with nearly no need for potting. This build will not allow you to deal a whole lot of damage with your weapon as this build has the minimum strenght but you will get a large chunk of damage dealing with Health Drain and Breathe as they are intelligence based.
For your pvp you are gonna need to rely on your ability to maximize your Rapid Lock spell and be able to use youre Mana to Health and Health to Mana spell efficiently. So if you are not good with micro managing during battle this may not be the right build for you. Also because of limited strenght you are going to become a lucky expert at weapon/armor requirement decreasing. This build has so many options that you can choose from for pve and pvp and has some nice DoT’s.
They problem for a typical Dekan Sage build is to not supply the mana pool needed to sustain these spells. Luckily i have done alot of calculating and have come with the proper amount of wisdom/physche needed to fully restore your health bar with Mana to Heald spell.
And just enough vitality to fully recover mana bar fully from health. This build has a ton of int for the two main damage dealing spells you are going to be using: Health Drain, and Breathe.
Mana guard is where this build is going to shine and make you pretty much invincible for 60 seconds which is more than enough time to dispatch most classes in pvp. Stat Point Build at Level 99 The recommended spell upgrades: (Dragon Fighter Tree) (Dragon Sage Tree) Credits go to Feel free to post this as a guide anywhere you want but plz keep link active. This build has so many options that you can choose from for pve and pvp and has some nice DoT’s. They problem for a typical Dekan Sage build is to not supply the mana pool needed to sustain these spells. Luckily i have done alot of calculating and have come with the proper amount of wisdom/physche needed to fully restore your health bar with Mana to Heald spell. And just enough vitality to fully recover mana bar fully from health. This build has a ton of int for the two main damage dealing spells you are going to be using: Health Drain, and Breathe.
Dragon Sage Class Build (tank/pvp) This is a great Tank/PVP build that i am using and having alot of fun with. The main focus is using Health Drain, and Breath for your main two damage spells.
Its is very important to max out Mana to health spell and Health to mana spell. These 2 spells will make you pretty much invincible with nearly no need for potting. This build will not allow you to deal a whole lot of damage with your weapon as this build has the minimum strenght but you will get a large chunk of damage dealing with Health Drain and Breathe as they are intelligence based.
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