Bleach Vs One Piece Latest Version Ai Map

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If you want to have the extra, download it here and read how to install it below! (Easy guide) What is BVO New World 4.0? The Warcraft 3 funmap BVO New World 4.0 is the latest version of the map called (old map). Bleach vs One Piece or BVO New World is an anime hero arena map with awesome special effects! Choose anime heroes (with great designed models) from the animes Bleach, Naruto and One Piece.


Bleach vs One Piece 14.0 Download News and Update. Bleach vs One Piece v13 has just released and I bet many players are now looking for the Bleach vs One Piece v14.0 map.

Select a hero and enter the battle arena to fight the creeps & enemy heroes in duels! The actual version BVO New World 4.0 brings good balancing of the heroes and the items! Map Name: BVO New World 4.0 Filename: BVO New World 4.0.w3x Language: English Release Date: Map Size: 7.8 MB Downloads: 92,352 BVO New World Requirements and Installation Guide: Requirements to play BVO New World 4.0: Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne Patch 1.26a, 1.27a, 1.27b, 1.28 or newer! BVO New World 4.0 Map & Sound Installation:. Step 1: Download BVO New World 4.0 to your computer. Step 2: Copy the file “ BVO New World 4.0.w3x” to the correct Warcraft 3 folder. Step 3: here.

Step 4: Backup or rename your “War3xlocal.mpq” file, which is located in the Warcraft 3 folder. Step 5: Now run the downloaded BVO New World sound file and extract it into your Warcraft 3 folder.

Bleach Vs One Piece Latest Map

Step 6: Now Start the game and use one of the following commands to play the music. Play the BVO New World 4.0 Sounds. Evil Ichigo, Ichigo, Luffy, Naruto, Ishida, Neji, Aizen, Yamamoto, Sanji, Lucci, Ulquiorra, Kizaru Transform Ability: bonus movement speed reduced from +110 to +60. Grimmjow Sword’s Release: Bonus movement speed reduced from +120 to +70. Ishida Rain of Light: Damage reduced from (0.35 x AGI) to (0.28 x AGI). Kakashi Lightning Blade: Twin Lightning Shiver: damage reduced from 1200 to 800. Mihawk Blink Strike: Cooldown reduced from 17.5 to 17.

Bleach Vs One Piece Latest Version Ai Map

Blink Strike: Damage from (5x base STR) to (75 + (3 x base STR)). Cleaving Attack: Increased from 30% to 40%. Sanji Crush: Cast range reduced from 1200 to 1000. Starrk Starrk’s model has been changed. Spin Shot: Damage reduced from 800/1000/1200/1400/1600 to 600/800/1000/1200/1400. Tobi Authority of the Gods: Stunning for 2 secs to 1.5 sec.

Yoruichi Flash War Cry: Bonus movement speed reduced from +130 to +80. Zabuza Flying Turn Slash: cooldown reduced from 17 to 14.

  1. Link Download Bleach vs One Piece v12.0 (AI Map) - Download maps (Warcraft 3 Maps).
  2. Map Bleach vs One Piece v11.0 AI – BleachVsOnepiece11.w3x is released Propress 100% by Thailand member Bleach vs One Piece Version 11.0 is the old hero’s development, the balance and I will focus on using the skill to play + techniques and skillRead More Bleach vs One Piece v11.0.

Map Bleach Vs One Piece Latest Version Ai

Bleach Vs One Piece Latest Version Ai Map

Flying Turn Slash: mana cost reduced from 200 to 150. Flying Turn Slash: damage form (4.5 x STR) pure dmg to (100 + (3 x STR)) spell damage. BVO New World Item changes. Gem of True Sight Gold cost from 300 to 700. Gem will not give permanent ability to detect invisible units anymore, but can active it at any time to detect invis units. Important change: You don’t lose the Gem when you die!

Arcanite Shield Chance to bash reduced from 10% to 9%. Battle Fury Cleaving attack Increased from 25% to 40%.

Hell Crusher Chance to bash Increased from 9% to 7%. Zanbato Cleaving attack Increased from 35% to 50%. More changes in BVO New World 4.0: The tree zone has been edited. BVO New World 4.0 Map Screenshots: Select on of the great anime heroes from Naruto, One Piece and Bleach in the taverns: Screnshot of a BVO duel: Have fun playing my friends! You like BVO???

Fix the description one more thing, is this made by you, if not, did you have permission from original author? If you the Original Author, can you prove it? If you have the permission, can you show it to us? EDIT: After playing and browsing the Net about the map, I'm sorry to say the map is indeed a fake map, I have the proof from Gamersedge forum: ^that proves everything, also, the ingame dialog has Kurogane as Author name, which is different than the World Editor name. I love this game BUT I don't support fakes of it.

One Piece Latest Chapter 598

My answer is: REQUESTING FOR REJECTION Reasons: Map has improper info Map is stolen The Real Author hasn't give any permission to submit his resources here. I was an active member on the BvO forums before it went down. The creators had their hands tied with their school/work and everything, and things were stalled for months.

2.09 never came out and the creators even confirmed that any 'new' versions released were fakes since scores of different 2.09 were surfacing at the time. I've personally tried all the 'newest' versions like 2.10, 2.11, etc found on epicwar and there were no improvements other than being fakes, one look at the crappy loading screens would prove it. Last time I checked the official site, it was stated as being 75% done before the site went down and was MIA.

It was also stated that 2.09 or later versions would include new skins and possibly new characters, which all the 'latest' versions lack.